Date:  15th & 16th of March

16 players

Rules pack: -

4 games, 2000pts of Age of Sigmar. 


TICKETS: There are a maximum of 16 tickets available. The event is £40.00 to be sent via PayPal to (friends and family please)
 WORGORE TV patreons privileges are in play. So the Master comes free, Hardened Warriors get 50% off and the Local Militia receive a £5 discount.


Each table is adorned with a neoprene mat and a generous spread of fantastic looking scenery. 

The tables also have scenery dice, command point tokens, wound markers, objective markers, tokens for most regular actions, battle tactics and scoreboards. In fact you really only need to bring a smile and your army. 

All your other needs will be catered for. 


Location: Worgore TV Studio, Carver Church Lake Road Windermere Cumbria LA23 2BY



1, Ben Cronin

2, Jane Slater

3, Adam Maiden 

4, Steven Coombs

5, Max Soule

6, Ben McDougall 

7, Adam Rawson

8, Nick Davies

9,Jack Fearon 

10, Jack Maiden

11, Craig Worsley 

12, Glenn Wearing

13, Luke Garside 

14, Bret Kinsey

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